Analyzing the profitability of metal mining investments with system dynamic modeling and real option analysis
Savolainen, Jyrki (2016-12-17)
Savolainen, Jyrki
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
The importance of ex-ante analysis of metal mining investments has grown in recent
years. The decreasing profitability of new projects and unpredictable metal markets pose
a challenge to the currently applied models of profitability analysis. The purpose of this
research is to investigate simulation and system dynamic (SD) models applicable to real
option analysis of metal mining investments. Real options in general refer to flexibility
of projects which can both decrease the negative effects of uncertainty and, on the other
hand, enhance the positive future realizations of the projects. This thesis is a collection of
articles with common theme of enhancing the simulation- and SD-models used for real
option valuation of metal mining investments.
Within the framework of real option analysis it is claimed that metal mining investments
are a distinct object of study, which have specific characteristics that should be taken into
account in their real option analysis. The research methods of this thesis include literature
review and modeling. Two distinct simulation models are created: a system dynamic
simulation model and a static simulation model. The models are used to run analyses with
illustrative case examples that have their background in the metal mining industry.
The results suggest that metal mining investments can be treated as techno-economic
systems by using the SD-methodology and that the use of system dynamic simulation
based analysis allows a more detailed and realistic ex-ante modeling of metal mining
investments and of the connected uncertainties. It is shown that system dynamic models
are able to model compound and interacting real options that exist on a single asset. Based
on the results of this work it seems that under non-ideal conditions the profitability of
metal mining investments is linked to the financing of these projects. High leverage with
a fixed debt servicing schedule may inhibit the use of managerial flexibility that may
cause a loss of project value. It is suggested that an optimal debt-equity ratio exists that
maximizes the project value per percentage point of equity invested.
years. The decreasing profitability of new projects and unpredictable metal markets pose
a challenge to the currently applied models of profitability analysis. The purpose of this
research is to investigate simulation and system dynamic (SD) models applicable to real
option analysis of metal mining investments. Real options in general refer to flexibility
of projects which can both decrease the negative effects of uncertainty and, on the other
hand, enhance the positive future realizations of the projects. This thesis is a collection of
articles with common theme of enhancing the simulation- and SD-models used for real
option valuation of metal mining investments.
Within the framework of real option analysis it is claimed that metal mining investments
are a distinct object of study, which have specific characteristics that should be taken into
account in their real option analysis. The research methods of this thesis include literature
review and modeling. Two distinct simulation models are created: a system dynamic
simulation model and a static simulation model. The models are used to run analyses with
illustrative case examples that have their background in the metal mining industry.
The results suggest that metal mining investments can be treated as techno-economic
systems by using the SD-methodology and that the use of system dynamic simulation
based analysis allows a more detailed and realistic ex-ante modeling of metal mining
investments and of the connected uncertainties. It is shown that system dynamic models
are able to model compound and interacting real options that exist on a single asset. Based
on the results of this work it seems that under non-ideal conditions the profitability of
metal mining investments is linked to the financing of these projects. High leverage with
a fixed debt servicing schedule may inhibit the use of managerial flexibility that may
cause a loss of project value. It is suggested that an optimal debt-equity ratio exists that
maximizes the project value per percentage point of equity invested.
- Väitöskirjat [1099]