Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa Diplomityöt ja Pro gradu -tutkielmat

Aineistot 9369-9388 / 12702

    • Static code analysis for reducing energy consumption in different loop types : a case study in Java 

      Gurung, Ram Prasad (2023)
      Background: An increase in ICT devices and services has led to a rise in carbon emissions. As a result, there is a growing demand for energy-efficient software; however, this demand remains unmet due to the lack of knowledge ...
    • Static waves in corporate space : characterizing oscillating trading patterns in New York stock exchange 

      Uwimanayantumye, Thacienne (2016)
      Various researches in the field of econophysics has shown that fluid flow have analogous phenomena in financial market behavior, the typical parallelism being delivered between energy in fluids and information on markets. ...
    • Statistical Analysis and Numerics of Heat Exchanger Models 

      Aalto, Taavi (2009)
      The identifiability of the parameters of a heat exchanger model without phase change was studied in this Master’s thesis using synthetically made data. A fast, two-step Markov chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC) was tested ...
    • Statistical Analysis of an SEIR Epidemic Model 

      Ndanguza Rusatsi, Denis (2009)
      This thesis was focussed on statistical analysis methods and proposes the use of Bayesian inference to extract information contained in experimental data by estimating Ebola model parameters. The model is a system of ...
    • Statistical Analysis of Spectral Images 

      Berina, Elena (2003)
      Tämä diplomityö liittyy Spektrikuvien tutkimiseen tilastollisen kuvamallin näkökulmasta. Diplomityön ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan tilastollisten parametrien jakaumien vaikutusta väreihin ja ...
    • Statistical assessment of neural network prediction reliability 

      Metsämäki, Amanda (2023)
      Traditionally, to get an estimate of the tree quantities in a forest stand, a human is needed to make the measurements, and this estimate can be used for various applications. In order to reduce the manual work done by a ...
    • Statistical fault characterization in industrial processes 

      Vieraankivi, Annika (2021)
      Fault detection is used to identify anomalous behavior in a process or machine. This study aims to characterize faults in an industrial process based on vibration signal. The studied data is unlabeled process data containing ...
    • Statistical Inversion Theory in X-ray Tomography 

      Heikkinen, Jere (2008)
      In this thesis the X-ray tomography is discussed from the Bayesian statistical viewpoint. The unknown parameters are assumed random variables and as opposite to traditional methods the solution is obtained as a large sample ...
    • Statistical Optimum Design of Heat Exchangers 

      Habimana, Dominique (2009)
      The optimal design of a heat exchanger system is based on given model parameters together with given standard ranges for machine design variables. The goals set for minimizing the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) function which ...
    • Statistical quality control via machine learning 

      Hannula, Emma (2023)
      Faults in the rolling element bearings are a common problem in rotating equipment. Therefore predicting and identifying the faults from vibration signals has gained increased attention. The goal of this thesis is to explore ...
    • Statistical variation of weld profiles and their expected influence on fatigue strength 

      Seshadri, Arjun (2006)
      The general objective of this study was to conduct astatistical analysis on the variation of the weld profiles and their influence on the fatigue strength of the joint. Weld quality with respect to its fatigue strength is ...
    • Stator winding topologies of permanent magnet traction motors 

      Sirviö, Aleksi (2020)
      The goal of this thesis is to find the optimal stator winding topology for permanent magnet traction machines in terms of price, manufacturability and performance. The main parameters and characteristics of synchronous ...
    • Stator-based thermal model for induction motor bearing 

      Anttila, Alex (2019)
      Variable-frequency induction motor drives provide a challenge for bearing regreasing frequency estimation. The current methodology is mostly based on a rough load estimate and does not take into account the variable speed ...
    • Status of biomass gasification 

      Sagitov, Marat (2008)
      Kaasutuksen kannattavuus ja toteutustapa on ollut tarkea ja useiden tutkimuksien kohde. Biomassan kaasutuksen ja siina kaytettavien laitteiden nykytila on epavarma. Niinpa lisatutkimukselle ja tarkasteluille on edelleen ...
    • Steam distillation of lignin to remove odor 

      Akrami, Farzana (2024)
      Given the relentless depletion of raw materials on a global scale, there is a constant and pressing quest for resources that align with sustainability principles. As industry advances and the global population grows, the ...
    • Steam generator designs for modular PWR test reactor 

      Alkhenaizi, Ali Abdulnabi (2019)
      The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to scale-down the steam generator (SG) of three different PWR designs. The designs of concern were the vertical SG in the EPR, the horizontal SG in the AES-2006, and the helical SG ...
    • Steam sparger modelling for boiling water reactor suppression pool 

      Vasilyev, Vladislav (2017)
      During the Fukushima accident a pressure inside the containment was twice higher than it was supposed to be under fully mixed pool conditions. It became clear, that there’s a need for a more detailed study of the pressure ...
    • Steganografia ja kuvien digitaalinen vesileimaus 

      Hippi, Teemu (2014)
      Steganografian tarkoituksena on salaisen viestin piilottaminen muun informaation sekaan. Tutkielmassa perehdytään kirjallisuuden pohjalta steganografiaan ja kuvien digitaaliseen vesileimaamiseen. Tutkielmaan kuuluu myös ...
    • Steroidien selektiivinen erottaminen sähköavusteisesti mikroemulsioita käyttäen 

      Vesanen, Sari (2012)
      Mikroemulsiosähkökineettinen kromatografia on sähköavusteinen erotusmenetelmä. Yhdisteiden erottuminen tapahtuu mikroemulsiopisaroiden vaikutuksesta, kun nanometrien kokoiset öljypisarat ovat dispergoituneena veteen ...
    • Sterolin valmistus selluprosessin yhteydessä 

      Parta, Minna (2004)
      Työssä tutkittiin UPM-Kymmene Oyj Kaukaan kemiallisella tehtaalla käytössä olevia steroliprosesseja. Steroleita erotetaan sulfaattiselluloosan keitossa syntyvasta suovasta uutetusta neutraaliainejakeesta. Neutraaliaine ...