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Optimization of electricity supply to mobile base station with design of PV systems : A case study in Accra Metropolis
This study explores the optimization of electricity supply to mobile base station with the modelling of a hybrid system configuration in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. The hybrid system deployed is to enhance sustainability, ...
GWP impact of utilizing SRF in cement plants : Finnsementti case study
Cement production is of grave concern on account of its high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission. Global cement production causes 5-10% of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Considering the adverse effect of ...
Lohjan Hinku 2.0 -suunnitelma
Diplomityö tehtiin Lohjan kaupungille ja työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella Lohjalle uusi visio Kohti hiilineutraalia kuntaa (Hinku) –hankkeen päämäärien saavuttamiseksi. Työssä selvitettiin kuinka paljon ja miten kunnat ...
The possibilities of a Finnish ready-made meals company to make their food packaging more sustainable
This thesis was conducted for a Finnish ready-made meals company who wanted to improve their sustainability by changing their packaging materials into more sustainable ones. The aim of this thesis was to find out what more ...
Time in the sustainable consumption context
This is an attempt to figure out how Time is defined and used in the sustainable consumption context. Although Time is known and defined as an abstract concept in many branches of science, in practice and in real life it ...
Innovations and the sharing economy in rural areas of Finland
The sharing economy is a rapidly growing global trend. Its possibilities in rural areas could be great as challenges increase in these areas. The sharing economy could also develop and advance entrepreneurship in rural ...
Suitability of electrocoagulation for industrial wastewaters and changing water quality
Electrochemical water treatment methods are well suited for treatment of wastewater without a need for coagulation chemicals thus eliminating residual concentrations. The target of this master thesis is to evaluate the ...
Business model premised on anti-consumption and impact investing
This thesis created a business model that is premised on anti-consumption and impact investing, in order to encourage individuals to save money and invest it in sustainability. The theory assessed consumerism, anti-consumerism ...
CFD simulation of electric vehicle thermal system and investigation of thermal insulation for cabin
Heat generated in combustion engine is mainly considered as waste and the task of thermal management system of vehicle was to efficiently conduct waste heat away from the combustion engine. However, there is much less heat ...
Väylähankkeen rakennusvaiheessa käytettävien työkoneiden päästöjen vähentäminen ja sen kustannusvaikutus
Tämä diplomityö tehtiin Väyläviraston toimeksiantona, ja siinä tutkittiin väylähankkeen rakennusvaiheessa käytettäviin työkoneisiin soveltuvia teknisiä päästövähennysratkaisuja sekä niiden kustannusvaikutuksia tilaajaorg ...