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Wet grinding of CaCO3 with a stirred media mill: Influence of obtained particle size distributions on pressure filtration properties
(Elsevier, 2015-03)
Chemical and process industries utilize stirred media mills for efficient fine grinding of solids. Stirred media mills, also referred to as stirred ball or stirred bead mills, generally have a good ability to produce fine ...
Removal of hazardous trace elements from recovery boiler fly ash with an ash dissolution method
(Elsevier, 2018-11-01)
The presence of hazardous trace elements (HTE) in the chemical recovery cycle of Kraft pulp mills is the main obstacle for the utilization of the inorganic residues of the process. Electrostatically precipitated (ESP) ...
Steam dewatering of filter cakes in a vertical filter press
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-06-27)
Steam dewatering of filter cakes is recognized as a competitive alternative to conventional air drying and thermally assisted mechanical dewatering (TAMD). The main benefit of cake dewatering with high-pressure steam is ...
Experimental Study on the Influence of Selected Process Variables on the Separation of a Fine Particle Suspension with a Pilot Scale Decanter Centrifuge
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-06-18)
Decanter centrifuges are used widely in the chemical and process industries for dewatering and classification of solid-liquid suspensions. The most important applications of this class of centrifuges are found in wastewater ...
Dissolution of sodium, aluminum and caustic compounds from bauxite residues
(Elsevier, 2015-08)
Bauxite residues consist of solid particles and a strongly alkaline liquid. Depending on the selected disposal method, the solids content of washed bauxite residues varies from 30 to 70 w-%. The objective of this study is ...
Use of filter aids to improve the filterability of enzymatically hydrolyzed biomass suspensions
(American Chemical Society, 2013-09-26)
Filter aids are used in challenging filtration applications, such as the deliquoring of biomass suspensions and separation of fine particles from liquids. Organic filter aids, typically composed of cellulose, may be the ...
Recovery of sodium from bauxite residue by pressure filtration and cake washing
(Elsevier, 2015-08-10)
Bauxite residue, the main waste fraction of alumina production, is extremely hazardous to the environment, as well as to human health. After the recovery of the pregnant liquor, the washed and thickened bauxite residue is ...
Enabling safe dry cake disposal of bauxite residue by deliquoring and washing with a membrane filter press
(SAGE Publications, 2015-02-16)
Dry cake disposal is the preferred technique for the disposal of bauxite residue, when considering environmental issues together with possible future utilisation of the solids. In order to perform dry cake disposal in an ...
Challenges related to solute analysis of bauxite residue filter cakes
(Elsevier, 2018-05)
Solute analysis of bauxite residue filter cakes is an important but not very well understood operation carried out at refineries and in scientific research. As more and more refineries rely currently on dry cake disposal ...
Reduction of the width of particle size distribution to improve pressure filtration properties of slurries
(Elsevier, 2017-03)
The filtration properties of mineral slurries depend for instance on the properties of the solid particles and on the way how these particles arrange themselves when the filter cake is formed. In cake filtration applications, ...