Measurement Accuracy Requirements for the Efficiency Classification of Converters and Motors
Aarniovuori, Lassi; Kärkkäinen, Hannu; Niemelä, Markku; Pyrhönen, Juha (2019-11-28)
Post-print / Final draft
Aarniovuori, Lassi
Kärkkäinen, Hannu
Niemelä, Markku
Pyrhönen, Juha
School of Energy Systems
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© 2019 IEEE
© 2019 IEEE
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Electrical machines play a major role in the electrical energy consumption in the modern world; therefore, the efficiency of electrical machines has been regulated for a long time by different authorities. Recently, the international efficiency classes for converters and converter-fed machine packages were introduced by IEC. The increased efficiency of the devices creates a challenge for accurate loss and efficiency determination of these devices. This paper examines the measurement accuracy of the direct-on-line and converter-fed electrical machines, frequency converters, and converter-fed machine packages from a theoretical basis. The measurement uncertainty is presented as a function of the rated powers of the devices and as a function of the efficiency classes.
Aarniovuori, L., Kärkkäinen, H., Niemelä, M., Pyrhönen, J. (2019). Measurement Accuracy Requirements for the Efficiency Classification of Converters and Motors. 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'19 ECCE Europe). DOI: 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915560
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