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Viimeksi lisätty
Beyond carbon : assessing Australia's future energy transition scenarios and how they meet sustainability criteria
(2025)During the Paris agreement 2015, a major step was taken in the following commitment period, and a new goal for reducing emissions was proposed. In order for these agreements to succeed, the participation needed to be global, ... -
Assessing GHG emissions of green hydrogen for Germany : a comparative review of international production pathways using RED III and ISO 19870 methodologies
(2025)This master’s thesis evaluates the sustainability of different production chains of green hydrogen and its derivatives. A Microsoft Excel-based model was developed to compare green hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and methane ... -
Land use strategies, environmental impact, and regulatory frameworks for scaling solar PV and green hydrogen in Finland : a study on sustainable energy development and policy alignment
(2025)The theoretical and practical potential of large-scale solar PV expansion in Finland, including both non-forest land and poorly productive forest land, is evaluated in this thesis, which also examines the land use implications ... -
110 kV voimajohtojen suojaustarkastelu kehittyvässä toimintaympäristössä
(2025)Energiajärjestelmän hiilineutraalisuuteen pyritään osana laajamittaista energiamurrosta, jonka keskeisenä tavoitteena on merkittävästi vähentää kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä tulevien vuosien aikana. Energiamurroksen odotetaan ... -
Enhancing user experience in e-commerce climate offset initiatives : a study on modal design and customer perception
(2025)As carbon emissions increase constantly, voluntary carbon offsets as a measure to mitigate climate change both by consumers and companies become more popular. Understanding how to effectively promote VCO adoption is crucial ...