Challenges of user-driven innovations on late stages of innovation process: evidence from ICT companies
Grun, Alexander (2015)
Pro gradu -tutkielma
Grun, Alexander
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The goal of this thesis is to study user-driven innovations and user involvement throughout the innovation process in context of B2B companies. Significant emphasis in the analysis put onto the late stages of innovation process and commercialization of innovations. Thesis includes detailed review of theoretical concepts and underlying frameworks of innovation process, lead users and user-driven innovations.
The empirical part of the thesis consist of interviews of the four companies from ICT industry, followed by the comprehensive analysis and comparison of the results. The presented findings indicate common challenges, which ICT companies face, when shifting towards innovation by users paradigm.
Linkages and connections among current situation and theoretical frameworks presented in the discussion part of the thesis allow to draw practical managerial implications. The results of the research emphasize valuable insights and challenges of user interactions within innovation process as well as output and participation related benefits for the companies and users. The research points out current state of the user involvement techniques and tools used for user interactions as well as suggests the possibilities for improvement in the future.
The empirical part of the thesis consist of interviews of the four companies from ICT industry, followed by the comprehensive analysis and comparison of the results. The presented findings indicate common challenges, which ICT companies face, when shifting towards innovation by users paradigm.
Linkages and connections among current situation and theoretical frameworks presented in the discussion part of the thesis allow to draw practical managerial implications. The results of the research emphasize valuable insights and challenges of user interactions within innovation process as well as output and participation related benefits for the companies and users. The research points out current state of the user involvement techniques and tools used for user interactions as well as suggests the possibilities for improvement in the future.
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