Human-centered design applied to security services in airports
Farsimadan, Kurosh (2016)
Farsimadan, Kurosh
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In airports, security technology and services are designed to guard persons, infrastructures and businesses against a broad range of hazards including crime, fire, accidents, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and malicious terrorist attacks. Security in airport is a big issue nowadays. In the proposed approach, the theory is that security concerns are problems that need to be solved through the usage of human-centered design methods and tools if we want to design and build security technologies that serve the people and their actual needs. These human-centered design concepts, methods, and tools were used in our research to brainstorm and collectively develop solutions and technology to mentioned problems. Design thinking brings to the product and service developers the opportunity to be innovatively active and consequently become more competitive. This paper discusses a five-stage process for innovation by design, called 5on5. It uses various design methods to identifying and solving security problems. We illustrate the applicability and add-values of this process using a case study of creating security services for airports by travelers, with travelers and for travelers.
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