The Contribution of Socially Driven Businesses and Innovations to Social Sustainability
Khan, Rakhshanda (2017-06-21)
Khan, Rakhshanda
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis
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Social sustainability is considered a fundamental component of sustainable development.
A multifaceted concept, social sustainability has been studied through the lenses of
disparate disciplines and theoretical perspectives. It should be viewed both as a process
that generates social health and well-being as well as the social institutions that facilitate
environmental and economic sustainability. In this respect, businesses, provided that they
are socially driven, have the power to play a crucial role in social sustainability; this study
seeks to understand the contribution of these socially driven businesses – particularly
micro and small enterprises – and socially driven innovations to achieving and ensuring
social sustainability. The focus of this study is to tackle the intangible concept of social
sustainability at a practical level, by presenting how socially driven businesses and
innovations have the potential to address pressing societal needs and contribute to
realising social sustainability.
This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the background for
the research as well as the literature, methodology and conclusions. The second part
presents five sub-studies based on in-depth case studies; the results and conclusions of
this dissertation are based on the findings of these five sub-studies. Each of the case
studies selected for this dissertation is distinct in approach, context and level of analysis
and answers a different aspect of the main research question. This dissertation is primarily
qualitative in nature and makes use of a wide range of evidence: documents, semistructured
interviews, field observations, literature review and questionnaires.
This study makes three main contributions. Firstly, it contributes to the scientific
discussion by providing empirical evidence about the connection between social
sustainability and socially driven businesses and innovations. Secondly, it provides an
opportunity to view sustainable businesses specifically from the vantage point of social
sustainability where it not only recognizes the profitability and sustainability from the
business perspective but also identifies the promotion of social sustainability towards sustainable development. Thirdly, it clarifies how frugal innovation can be viewed as a
practical approach to boosting social sustainability, as well as how the existence of social
enterprises relates to social sustainability.
A multifaceted concept, social sustainability has been studied through the lenses of
disparate disciplines and theoretical perspectives. It should be viewed both as a process
that generates social health and well-being as well as the social institutions that facilitate
environmental and economic sustainability. In this respect, businesses, provided that they
are socially driven, have the power to play a crucial role in social sustainability; this study
seeks to understand the contribution of these socially driven businesses – particularly
micro and small enterprises – and socially driven innovations to achieving and ensuring
social sustainability. The focus of this study is to tackle the intangible concept of social
sustainability at a practical level, by presenting how socially driven businesses and
innovations have the potential to address pressing societal needs and contribute to
realising social sustainability.
This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the background for
the research as well as the literature, methodology and conclusions. The second part
presents five sub-studies based on in-depth case studies; the results and conclusions of
this dissertation are based on the findings of these five sub-studies. Each of the case
studies selected for this dissertation is distinct in approach, context and level of analysis
and answers a different aspect of the main research question. This dissertation is primarily
qualitative in nature and makes use of a wide range of evidence: documents, semistructured
interviews, field observations, literature review and questionnaires.
This study makes three main contributions. Firstly, it contributes to the scientific
discussion by providing empirical evidence about the connection between social
sustainability and socially driven businesses and innovations. Secondly, it provides an
opportunity to view sustainable businesses specifically from the vantage point of social
sustainability where it not only recognizes the profitability and sustainability from the
business perspective but also identifies the promotion of social sustainability towards sustainable development. Thirdly, it clarifies how frugal innovation can be viewed as a
practical approach to boosting social sustainability, as well as how the existence of social
enterprises relates to social sustainability.
- Väitöskirjat [1099]
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