Uusimmat aineistot
Enhancing manufacturing operations through digital twin-enabled software : the case of Hiava Oy
(2024)Digital twin technologies are transforming manufacturing operations by enhancing efficiency, adaptability, and integration within Industry 4.0 ecosystems. These technologies enable manufacturers to optimize workflows, ... -
Toimintatapatarkastelua allianssin tarjoustoimintaan
(2024)Pärjätäkseen kilpailluilla markkinoilla rakennusalan yrityksen on kehitettävä tarjoustoimintaansa. Allianssimallia käytetään rakennusalalla enenevässä määrin. Yhteistoiminnallisena hankemuotona se soveltuu riskipitoisiin, ... -
Effects of exceptional high electricity market price driven electricity consumption flexibility on customers’ peak powers and power-based tariffs
IET conference proceedings (IET, 01.07.2024)Distribution system operators (DSOs) are facing significant changes happening in the customer loads. DSOs can develop their pricing to incentivise customers to use network capacity more efficiently. Peak power-based tariffs ... -
Sahan energiajärjestelmän optimointi : lämpöverkon kartoitus sekä arinakattilan säätöjen optimointi kostealle polttoaineelle
(2024)Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa kohdeyrityksen sahan lämpöjärjestelmän pullonkauloja ja optimoida tuotantoa ja kulutusta. Optimointi on tärkeää, sillä saha suunnittelee kapasiteetin nostoa, jolloin lämpöä ... -
Baltian energiamurros
(2024)Baltian maat Viro, Latvia ja Liettua ovat käyneet 2010- ja 2020-luvuilla läpi poikkeuksellisen suuren energiamurroksen, joka osaltaan jatkuu edelleen. Muutos pitää sisällään tavanomaisempia energiamurroksen muotoja, kuten ... -
Fine-tuning an open source chatbot to translate code from Python to Java using Qlora : translating for more energy efficient code
(2024)In recent years large language models (LLM) based tools have become more commonplace with ChatGPT being the precursor to many competing products such as Google Gemini. While the training and finetuning of LLMs has been ... -
Process Monitoring in Metal Additive Manufacturing : Research report of DREAMS project
LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports (LUT-yliopisto, 04.12.2024)Powder bed fusion process is an additive manufacturing method where material is melted layer-by-layer. Process introduces a lot of heat gradients into the part which influences part quality and tolerances. AM allows ... -
How low-code approaches are changing the ERP applications : pros and cons
(2024)ERP applications play a vital role in today’s business world due to its ability to centralize and streamline key business processes into a single, integrated platform. Conventionally, even after an ERP application is ... -
Designing successful Human-AI Collaboration for Creative-Problem Solving in Architectural Design
(Association for Information Systems, 24.10.2024)The rapid development of artificial intelligence has enabled its use in many fields. However, for complex design tasks, the question arises of how AI can effectively support humans and lead to a symbiotic collaboration ... -
Reclaiming digital sovereignty: A roadmap to build a digital stack for people and the planet
LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Raportit ja Selvitykset – Reports (LUT University, 04.12.2024)This policy paper outlines a progressive reform agenda to enhance digital sovereignty for people and the planet with the following 4 key proposals: 1. Offer a democratic, public-led digital stack that shall include: 1) ... -
The role of performance and popularity in the valuation of athletes in sports
(2024)The focus of this thesis is the analysis of football players' performance, social media metrics, and their impact on the player market value for English Premier League clubs between 2018 and 2024. This study analyses the ... -
Ohjelmistoratkaisut talolämmityksen optimoinnissa
(2024)Tämä kandidaatintyö käsittelee erilaisia ohjelmistopohjaisia optimointiratkaisuja, joiden avulla voidaan parantaa pientalojen energiatehokkuutta. Suomessa lämmitys kuluttaa huomattavasti energiaa, ja suuri osa pientaloista ... -
Centralized unified OT monitoring in industrial environment : architecture, integration and a case study in the forestry industry
(2024)The convergence of IT and OT has highlighted the need for a centralized unified OT monitoring solution. Integrating these separate domains increases the complexity and interdependencies, making centralized monitoring ... -
Lämmönsiirron 3D mallintaminen BFB-kattilan yläosassa
(2024)Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutustutaan leijupolttamiseen ja lämmönsiirtoon leijukerroskattilassa. Leijupolttaminen on yksiä ympäristöystävällisimpiä tapoja polttaa huonolaatuisia polttoaineita, joten tekniikkaa on syytä tutkia ... -
Development of sales phase tool for heat recovery steam generator weight calculation
(2024)Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is a critical component in the gas turbine-based power generation system. Heat recovery steam generators are used in combined cycle and cogeneration processes to recover heat from hot ... -
Applicability of chemical oxygen demand (COD) online analyser for different waters
(2024)The objective of the study was to test an online analyser Optoseven FSA-CT1000 UV COD and Turbidity Liquid Analyser in authentic field conditions. Measured parameters were Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and turbidity. COD ... -
Kontaktittoman virta-anturin mittauselektroniikan suunnittelu
(2024)Kohonneiden lataustehojen vuoksi latausjärjestelmiltä vaaditaan entistä suurempien virtojen mittaamista. Aiempien mittaustapojen komponenttien koko tai johtamishäviöt nousevat liian suuriksi. Kontaktittomilla magneettikenttään ... -
LUT Moodle towards sustainable digital education : designing user-centred platforms for environmental awareness and behaviour change
(2024)Sustainability has become a global priority to ensure a balanced future for humanity and the environment. E-learning platforms can raise awareness and bring meaningful change. This study investigates Moodle's user experience ... -
How to use warehouse management system sustainably
Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis : 1184 (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, 16.12.2024)A warehouse management system (WMS) is software designed to handle, automate, and optimize warehousing operations. Companies deploy WMS to enhance warehouse productivity; however, attention needs to be paid to more than ... -
Development of optimal internal structural reinforcement for stainless steel hollow sections to maximize mechanical properties and practical performance
(2024)This research conducts a topology optimization study with added constraints associated with manufacturability and practical implementation. The goal of this study is to maximize the efficiency of material placement within ...