Diplomityöt ja Pro gradu -tutkielmat
Uusimmat aineistot
Kaukolämmön kulutusjoustopotentiaalin tarkastelu kulutushuippujen tasoittamisessa
(2024)Diplomityössä tutkitaan kaukolämmön kulutusjoustoa ja kulutusjoustopotentiaalia Rauman Energia Oy:n kaukolämpöjärjestelmässä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia ja selvittää kaukolämmön kulutusjoustopotentiaalia valitun asiakasmassan ... -
Dynamic modelling and control of a flexible inverse pendulum
(2024)This thesis focuses on the dynamic modelling and control of a general inverted pendulum model, which is positioned via a cart. The system is chosen to be controlled by using a linear quadratic regulator (LQR). The inverted ... -
Toimitusprojektien kustannushallinnan kehittäminen teknologiateollisuusyrityksessä
(2024)Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää ja esittää vaihtoehto tai vaihtoehtoja toimitusprojektien kustannushallinnan kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksen toteutus rajattiin erään spesifin teknologiayrityksen, erityisesti sen ... -
Improving the transparency of sustainable marketing in the aviation industry
(2024)The purpose of this study was to analyze how can the aviation industry improve transparency and build customer trust in sustainable marketing, considering both symbolic and substantive actions that align with customer ... -
Evaluation of radiation field in a high level waste repository in view of gallery characterization and different scattering kernels
(2024)Three main types of host rocks are now being considered to store highly radioactive wasteclay, granite and salt rocks. As a consequence of handling the waste during emplacement and possible retrieval in the future, the ... -
Suomalaisen ICT-yrityksen kansainvälistyminen Saksan markkinoille
(2024)Yrityksille on luonnollista hakea kasvua ulkomailta. Pienet- ja keskisuuret yritykset kärsivät kuitenkin resurssipulasta, joka vaikeuttaa ulkomaille laajentamista. Rajallisten henkilö- ja taloudellisten resurssien takia ... -
Enhancing utilisation of main materials and waste reduction in production companies
(2024)This thesis explores the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning software and Lean methodology in managing material leftovers within a Bosnian company specialising in the production of printed and illuminated signs. ... -
Effect and modelling of a stuffing box seal on rotordynamic behavior
(2024)This master’s thesis studies the effect and modelling of stuffing box seals on rotordynamic behavior and is commissioned by Andritz. The objective of this thesis is to fill in gaps in scientific knowledge on the dynamic ... -
Exploring the impact of greenwashing and sustainability awareness on the purchase decisions of Generation X and Generation Y consumers in the fashion industry
(2024)The fashion industry in Finland, like in other parts of the world, is increasingly focusing on sustainability. However, greenwashing, where companies falsely claim to be environmentally friendly, is becoming a concern. ... -
Analysing the causes of private debt restructuring with machine learning methods : case: analysis of eight macroeconomic variables in Finland 1996-2018
(2024)This study analyses the factors contributing to the amount of restructuring of private debts applications in Finland with the help of selected Machine Learning methods. The goal was to recognize factors that have a significant ... -
Design iteration of laboratory automation conveyor components
(2024)This research was conducted for Case Company, which is globally familiar contributor in scientific industry. The research was scoped to iterating design of laboratory automation conveyor components focusing on the components ... -
Covalent grafting of phenolics on the surface of the membrane by UV-based modification method
(2024)Membranes have been frequently used in various water treatment processes, and biofouling remains as one of their biggest challenges. A possible solution to mitigate membrane biofouling could be covalently binding antimicrobial ... -
Project management of wind farm execution
(2024)In recent years, the share of renewable energy in production of electricity has increased. In Finland, especially the electricity generated by wind power has increased for the last 10 years, which has not only generated a ... -
Chemical environmental risks of the Nordic battery cluster
(2024)Demand for batteries increases as the tightening climate targets and need to cut emissions drive the electrification of transportation. To meet the demand and reduce dependence on imports, a battery cluster is expected to ... -
Kaukolämpöverkon paluulämmön liiketoimintamahdollisuudet energiajärjestelmässä
(2024)Kansalliset sekä kansainväliset lainsäädännöt ja tavoitteet ohjaavat yrityksiä päätöksenteossa. Tämä vaatii yrityksiltä kykyä mukautua muuttuvaan toimintaympäristöön energiamurroksessa. Kaukolämmöllä on tärkeä rooli ... -
Strategic alignment of ERP master data models : integrating ERP master data models to support strategic objectives in ERP-enabled business transformation
(2024)This research investigates how master data structures can be aligned with organizational strategic goals during ERP-driven business transformations. Through an analysis of theoretical perspectives and interview data, it ... -
Test and verification of EDF's new software for the preparation of system reliability models : verification of its functionalities, development of user guide, and advanced upgrade of user interface
(2024)Several shortcomings encountered while implementing the direct transfer of data from nuclear power plants design database to safety models for probabilistic safety analysis with EDF’s existing model-based safety assessment ... -
Pursotuslaitoksen hydrauliikkaöljyn kunnonvalvonta online-menetelmin
(2024)Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin öljyn online-kunnonvalvonnan mahdollisuuksia yrityksen öljyn kunnonvalvonnan parantamiseksi. Työn taustana oli yrityksen tarve kehittää öljyn kunnonvalvontaa, ja tavoitteena oli selvittää, ... -
Software evaluation for modeling of liquefied waste plastic pretreatment
(2024)While the amount of plastic waste keeps growing each year, new solutions to recycle and utilize waste are needed. Chemical recycling of plastic waste can degrade it into liquid oils, gas and char. The liquid oils, also ... -
Digital identities in software products and services
(2024)The global adoption of digital identities in digital products and services require companies, especially software product managers, to manage growing number of laws, regulations and emerging technology trends when developing, ...