Technical and economic analysis of compressed air energy storages in Russia
Bykov, Anton (2018)
Bykov, Anton
School of Energy Systems, Energiatekniikka
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Energy balancing of electricity grid by low controllable power plants is unprofitable and
inconvenient. The problem could be solved with compressed air energy storages, which
are object of this thesis. Aim of the work is the calculation of CAES technical and
economic characteristics for different Russian regions.
Technical analysis demonstrates that CAES efficiency is increasing with cavern pressure
growth, however increment rate is low for higher pressure. Discharging period has the
most significant influence on compressor and turbine power, however annual generated
electricity remains the same at constant cavern volume. Reduction of cavern pressure
difference let to increase CAES efficiency and reduce investment cost, however power
capacity is essentially decreasing due to air mass flow reduction.
Results of economic analysis for all Russian regions and different CAES configurations
and operational parameters show that only some regions in Russia are suitable for CAES
installation. Both diabatic CAES schemes with and without recuperator have better
economic characteristics for all Russian region. Adiabatic CAES have a relatively high
payback period, and their installation is unprofitable in almost all Russian regions.
inconvenient. The problem could be solved with compressed air energy storages, which
are object of this thesis. Aim of the work is the calculation of CAES technical and
economic characteristics for different Russian regions.
Technical analysis demonstrates that CAES efficiency is increasing with cavern pressure
growth, however increment rate is low for higher pressure. Discharging period has the
most significant influence on compressor and turbine power, however annual generated
electricity remains the same at constant cavern volume. Reduction of cavern pressure
difference let to increase CAES efficiency and reduce investment cost, however power
capacity is essentially decreasing due to air mass flow reduction.
Results of economic analysis for all Russian regions and different CAES configurations
and operational parameters show that only some regions in Russia are suitable for CAES
installation. Both diabatic CAES schemes with and without recuperator have better
economic characteristics for all Russian region. Adiabatic CAES have a relatively high
payback period, and their installation is unprofitable in almost all Russian regions.