Optimization of marketing planning and new product development process as the ways for increasing competitiveness of Russian industrial innovations
Zubrilova, Anna (2018)
Pro gradu -tutkielma
Zubrilova, Anna
School of Business and Management, Kauppatieteet
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Growing innovative capacity of national economies, globalization of markets and tough foreign competition make creation and successful commercialization of innovative products vitally necessary for Russian industrial companies. In particular, the given thesis studies national machine-tool industry, which differs by increased technological and production backwardness under simultaneous high strategic importance for the country. This is why it is necessary to define company-driven reasons and ways of Russian innovative machine-tools’ market performance improvement. Marketing planning efficiency and optimality of innovations development process are considered to be one of the most operative ways. The given paper investigates marketing planning and the process of innovations development in the OJSC “SASTA”, national innovative machine-tool producer and provides practical recommendations on their optimization. Necessary data were obtained by mean of empirical research executed qualitatively through semi-structured interview. Additionally, there was conducted theoretical study of applicability of existing innovation development frameworks in conditions of national producers. The main research findings are the need of adaptation of basic NPD frameworks, strong influence of marketing analyses and planning quality and customer interaction on new products’ market performance. Theoretical contribution is expressed in suggested NPD process model adapted for Russian industrial companies. From managerial viewpoint, research findings and developed practical recommendations can help Russian producers both from machine-tool and other B2B industries increase competitiveness and commercialization potential of their innovative products.