Determining static capacity of welded joint made of Strenx 1100 Plus material using Eurocode 3
Yusuf, Ahmed (2019)
Yusuf, Ahmed
School of Energy Systems, Konetekniikka
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Modern age has the scarcity of high strength and sustainable structural development. Ultra-high-strength steel facilitates to exploit the assertion of high strength and sustainable structural development. A new type of material made of ultra-high-strength steel S1100 is investigated. Load carrying capacity designed by fillet weld is taken into main consideration. Along with the effect of heat input on non-load carrying joint designed by fillet weld is analyzed. For load carrying joint the focus on checking the validity of current design rules defined by Eurocode 3. To verify the objective, experimental test and FEA (finite element analysis) are done. Experimental test and conducting advance nonlinear analysis show a similar pattern of the outcomes, moreover describe the design Eurocode 3 is adequate for fillet welded load carrying joint and show slow cooling rate due to high heat input does not affect the S1100 material strength. This observation also includes the butt weld joint. Analysis of material behavior is carried out by drawing true stress and strain curve derives from base material testing