Steam generator designs for modular PWR test reactor
Alkhenaizi, Ali Abdulnabi (2019)
Alkhenaizi, Ali Abdulnabi
School of Energy Systems, Energiatekniikka
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The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to scale-down the steam generator (SG) of three different PWR designs. The designs of concern were the vertical SG in the EPR, the horizontal SG in the AES-2006, and the helical SG in the NuScale reactor. The work contains a literature review for each PWR design, and their corresponding SG followed by the available scaling techniques. The scaling technique used in this work was the H2TS method and the focus of the scaling was on the 1-phase and 2-phase natural circulation. Based on the results from the scaling, a proposal was made for the three SG types which includes the size of the SG, operating pressure and temperatures, mass flow rates, tube sizes and layout, number of tubes, tube lengths, and tube diameters.