Possibilities of CO2 emissions reduction by implementation of tools for decreasing energy overconsumption in Russian housing sector
Terleev, Andrei (2019)
Terleev, Andrei
School of Energy Systems, Ympäristötekniikka
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This paper provides investigation of the reasons of energy overconsumption in the residential sector of Russia and its environmental impact. The solutions which are able to fight the low energy efficiency of the residential heating sector and to curb CO2 emissions are the key subject of the study. The current district heating system is assessed step by step covering supply, distribution and demand sides. On the supply side the possibility of renewable energy sources utilization for residential heating is studied based on their availability in different regions of the country. On the demand side the special attention is paid to the energy consumption behavior of Russian people. To analyze current energy consumption behavior of Russians the public survey was conducted. The results of the survey are discussed and used for development of measures which aim shifting to more sustainable energy use on the demand side. The possibility of CO2 emissions reduction due to proposed improvements in the residential heating system is assessed through scenario analysis. In total four scenarios which assume implementation of proposed efficiency enhancing measures are built and compared with baseline scenario that assume no improvements. The period until 2030 is chosen as the forecast horizon. According to the scenario analysis, the highest potential to mitigate CO2 emissions from the residential heating is on the demand side. The economic benefits of such actions may contribute to money saving of an average residential building on heating bills in the amount of 692.6 euros for ten years (from 2020 to 2030). The combination of all the discussed measures on the supply, distribution and demand sides will cause the total reduction of GHG emissions for the assessed period by 255.91 million tons of CO2 equivalent.