Data center energy efficiency assessment based on real data analysis
Grishina, Anastasiia (2019)
Grishina, Anastasiia
School of Engineering Science, Tietotekniikka
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This work covers energy efficiency analysis of Data Center (DC) operations. DCs empower a wide variety of applications and enhance decision making processes. Having such a crucial role in the modern life, DCs remain large power consumers due to their IT and cooling systems’ demand for electricity. Since sustainability has become one of the main global goals, DCs should incorporate eco-friendly strategies to continue their operations without violating sustainability requirements. For a DC, sustainable goals could be interpreted as pursuing energy efficiency of all the operations. Therefore, energy efficiency has been addressed in this work from the point of IT equipment energy productivity and thermal characteristics of an IT room. Mathematical modelling, statistical analysis, productivity and thermal metrics evaluation and a Machine Learning technique applied to monitoring data collected in a real DC have resulted in a set of recommendations for DC energy efficiency improvement.