Fusion of the Methods
Taipale, Ossi (2019-10-09)
Publishers version
Taipale, Ossi
LUT University
LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports
School of Engineering Science
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The objective of this study was to explore the research methods, synthetize methods as one unified method and based on that outline a roadmap towards information acquiring and applying in artificial intelligence (AI). The unified method was created by using analysis and synthesis in the design science. Exploration of the research methods revealed three clusters of methods: methods to describe interdependence models, methods to analyze and optimize interdependence models, and methods to classify interdependence models. Further, interdependence models were located as instances into the class model, influence of data and time were added to give dynamic behavior and the unified methods was observed. The method was further evaluated in acquiring and using information in the artificial intelligence. The analysis yielded that in the whole-part (WP) - structure parts and the whole they form, represent interdependence relationships between and inside the whole or part instances. Methods include analysis and optimization. On the other hand according to the analysis, parts and the whole they form, represent instances of the class (C)-structure meaning that instances of the Pstructure belong concurrently also to the class structure. This connects WP- and C-structures. For artificial information acquiring and using purposes the structure gives hints of a latent method. The requirements for the latent method are introduced. The whole-part–class (WPC)-structure with analysis and optimization methods facilitates the synthesis of the research methods and hints that different research methods are parts of the unified method. Further, the unified method serves as a proposal for the road-map for the artificial general intelligence.
Taipale, O. (2019). Fusion of the Methods. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications - Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports 102. LUT University. ISSN-L 2243-3376, ISSN 2243-3376. ISBN 978-952-335-430-2 (PDF).