Legal and technical aspects for planning wind power projects in the Russian Federation
Shigin, Anton (2019)
Shigin, Anton
School of Energy Systems, Sähkötekniikka
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This thesis addresses the key aspects of the regulatory framework and official technical requirements for wind energy market in the Russian Federation. The motivation for this analysis was to create a general understanding of actual condition and legislative environment of wind power industry which is useful for external investors intending to enter the Russian market of wind energy.
First, the project documentation review was done to define the core sections of a project plan that has to be mandatory presented for all wind energy projects. The main regulations are provided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N87. In addition, the analysis of the real project documentation was conducted for the case of wind power plant (WPP) Yarovoe and was shown the acceptable variations of the document structure from the template stated by law. Second, the requirements for wind power projects enabling governmental support were described. The key criteria, that have to be fulfilled by WPP in order to receive support under capacity mechanism for renewable power generation, are based on the rules of qualification procedure, competitive selection and evaluation of localization level of the project. Third, grid requirements for connecting a new WPP to the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation are listed to be taken into account during a planning stage of project development. Fourth, the general description of the wholesale electricity and capacity markets in the Russian Federation is presented. It includes the structure and regulatory framework that define the operation and rights and obligations of market participants. The main focus was on the renewable power generation and corresponding specific features of these markets. Finally, the crucial challenges for wind industry development in the Russian Federation and possibilities to overcome them were defined, providing an insight on essential changes in regulations and technical requirements which may ensure more attractive economic environment for investment decision-makers.
First, the project documentation review was done to define the core sections of a project plan that has to be mandatory presented for all wind energy projects. The main regulations are provided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N87. In addition, the analysis of the real project documentation was conducted for the case of wind power plant (WPP) Yarovoe and was shown the acceptable variations of the document structure from the template stated by law. Second, the requirements for wind power projects enabling governmental support were described. The key criteria, that have to be fulfilled by WPP in order to receive support under capacity mechanism for renewable power generation, are based on the rules of qualification procedure, competitive selection and evaluation of localization level of the project. Third, grid requirements for connecting a new WPP to the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation are listed to be taken into account during a planning stage of project development. Fourth, the general description of the wholesale electricity and capacity markets in the Russian Federation is presented. It includes the structure and regulatory framework that define the operation and rights and obligations of market participants. The main focus was on the renewable power generation and corresponding specific features of these markets. Finally, the crucial challenges for wind industry development in the Russian Federation and possibilities to overcome them were defined, providing an insight on essential changes in regulations and technical requirements which may ensure more attractive economic environment for investment decision-makers.