Micro-learning educational approach : the main characteristics of micro-learning, ability of implementation in LUT, barriers and future perspectives
Panina, Tatiana (2019)
Panina, Tatiana
School of Engineering Science, Tuotantotalous
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The method of micro-learning is a new educational technology in the field of education. In view of the fact that this technology has been little studied, this paper proposes the study of this method by creating an experiment and analyzing its results.
The Master’s Thesis explores impact of micro-learning implementation as a pilot project during the Summer School 2019 in LUT University in the course “Artificial inventiveness (former Systematic Creativity and TRIZ basics online)” The research is based on the literature review of various educational approaches, but deeply about micro-learning method. The depth of understanding about micro-learning were analysed by online survey among student and LUT University professors.
The results reveal the level of understanding about micro-learning approach among students and professors and gives the picture about implementation micro-content as part of the corse.
The Master’s Thesis explores impact of micro-learning implementation as a pilot project during the Summer School 2019 in LUT University in the course “Artificial inventiveness (former Systematic Creativity and TRIZ basics online)” The research is based on the literature review of various educational approaches, but deeply about micro-learning method. The depth of understanding about micro-learning were analysed by online survey among student and LUT University professors.
The results reveal the level of understanding about micro-learning approach among students and professors and gives the picture about implementation micro-content as part of the corse.
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