Thermal discrete element method for transient heat conduction in granular packing under compressive forces
Kiani-Oshtorjani, Mehran; Jalali, Payman (2019-09-26)
Post-print / Final draft
Kiani-Oshtorjani, Mehran
Jalali, Payman
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
School of Energy Systems
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A thermal discrete element method is introduced in granular packs. This method is applicable to 3D packing in either static or dynamic states coupled with the ordinary discrete element method code. This method resolves the local heat fluxes and temperature of particles relying on particles conductivity and the deformation of particles at various contact points. Using this method, the time evolution of temperature is studied within packed beds under various compressive forces. Our results match very well with the analytical solution as if the value of the effective conductivity is properly adjusted, which is found to be related to the pressure exponentially. We have also shown that the compression of the granular packing exponentially increases the thermal characteristic time of the bed.
Kiani-Oshtorjani, M., Jalali, P. (2019). Thermal discrete element method for transient heat conduction in granular packing under compressive forces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 145. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118753
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