Service-oriented architecture of artificial intelligence system in healthcare
Bikkulova, Zilia (2020)
Bikkulova, Zilia
School of Engineering Science, Tietotekniikka
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This master thesis is dedicated to service-oriented architecture of artificial intelligence system in healthcare. Artificial intelligence, being a promising concept itself, gets especially topical in such a subtle domain as healthcare. Artificial intelligence systems open enormous opportunities that may totally change the face of modern healthcare. However, implementation of these systems is also inevitably associated with certain difficulties. The goal of the thesis was to develop a service-oriented architecture of artificial intelligence system for a healthcare organization, in order to provide theoretically sound basis for implementation projects in healthcare organizations. To achieve this goal, analysis of sources on related topics, systematization of collected information and architecture modeling were carried out. The work was mainly conducted from the point of view of enterprise architecture and did not deepen into artificial intelligence theory and technologies or social impacts of artificial intelligence. As a result of the work, a systematic idea of healthcare artificial intelligence systems in the international arena was formed, and frameworks and models that could be useful in implementing these systems were presented. The work done showed the challenges associated with artificial intelligence in healthcare, and also suggested possible solutions for them. The results of the thesis may give organizations a starting point to harness the power of artificial intelligence with the maximal benefit.