Utilization of energy storage in peak shaving
Nyyssönen, Kim (2020)
Nyyssönen, Kim
School of Energy Systems, Sähkötekniikka
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Peak shaving is method that is used to reduce peak power demand. Sizing of grid affects its usage costs and peak shaving can be used to reduce the peak demand of system. Energy storages could be utilized for peak shaving by charging energy at off-peak times and discharging it to reduce size of peak. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems have energy storages for supplying power during blackouts. Since they are used only during blackouts, there are long periods for UPS energy storages when they are not utilized.
In this master’s thesis it is studied if UPS systems could be utilized for peak shaving with literature research and through two real-life cases. Also, other secondary applications besides peak shaving are discussed and different types of UPS and energy storages are showcased. Results indicate that peak shaving with energy storage of UPS is not quite efficient in cases studied in this work.
In this master’s thesis it is studied if UPS systems could be utilized for peak shaving with literature research and through two real-life cases. Also, other secondary applications besides peak shaving are discussed and different types of UPS and energy storages are showcased. Results indicate that peak shaving with energy storage of UPS is not quite efficient in cases studied in this work.