Sustaining an engine of change : a case study on management systems implementation
Puustinen, Anna-Julia (2020)
Pro gradu -tutkielma
Puustinen, Anna-Julia
School of Business and Management, Kauppatieteet
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This master’s thesis focuses on implementation of a quality and environmental management system using existing change management models and theories. It studies whether they could enable a more efficient system implementation. With more efficient implementation, the organization gains more benefits. However, as some of the research results on the benefits are contradictory, could the use of consciously planned change management models improve the efficient implementation and thus the achievable benefits.
The aim of my master’s thesis was to find out what stages and elements of change management models can be found in the implementation of an integrated quality and environmental management system. The aim was also to consider the role of change management and its benefits in a quality and environmental management system implementation.
The theoretical framework of the study was obtained by reviewing the literature on the drivers and contradictory results of the benefits of a quality and environmental management system implementation and models and theories of change management. A combination of them was formed for use as a research framework.
For the empirical section, a case study was carried out in a Finnish SME. According to the results of the study, identified change management models were found. However, a consciously planned change management model could have had an efficiency-enhancing effect. In conclusion of the results, especially in relation to internal communication and engagement, a consciously planned change management model could generally enhance an implementation.
The aim of my master’s thesis was to find out what stages and elements of change management models can be found in the implementation of an integrated quality and environmental management system. The aim was also to consider the role of change management and its benefits in a quality and environmental management system implementation.
The theoretical framework of the study was obtained by reviewing the literature on the drivers and contradictory results of the benefits of a quality and environmental management system implementation and models and theories of change management. A combination of them was formed for use as a research framework.
For the empirical section, a case study was carried out in a Finnish SME. According to the results of the study, identified change management models were found. However, a consciously planned change management model could have had an efficiency-enhancing effect. In conclusion of the results, especially in relation to internal communication and engagement, a consciously planned change management model could generally enhance an implementation.
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