Designing a Living Lab for innovating sustainable solid waste management solutions
Hasan, Md Tanvir (2020)
Hasan, Md Tanvir
School of Engineering Science, Tietotekniikka
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Today one of the biggest challenges is to reduce environmental impact. In the past few decades, there is an expeditious growth in urbanization and solid waste management is a primary issue due to this situation. Increasing waste is a significant challenge and most of the issues are the result of improper waste collection and disposal systems. Proper management of waste material is essential as a large amount of waste is produced every day. For proper recycling sorting waste before dumping is very important. Universities are regarded as small cities nowadays because of their huge size and have significant impacts on the environment. Many universities maintain protection measures to reduce their environmental impact, but a more systematic and sustainable approach is necessary. The aim of this thesis is to explore and find solutions to improve the waste management situation of Lappeenranta University of Technology. Furthermore, it aims to explore the importance of Living lab and co-design approach to develop a design solution. The experience of users, their frustrations, and their needs are revealed by performing literature studies, surveys, and interviews. Findings are then transformed into design challenges and used in a co-design workshop to ideate solutions from the participants. As very few studies used the Living lab and Co-design approach together at the end of this thesis, we developed a framework based on a literature study that can combine these two methods and propose a design solution.