Foreigner's point of view on the Luumäki Independence Road sightseeing locations
Minashkina, Daria; Happonen, Ari (2019-05-29)
Publishers version
Minashkina, Daria
Happonen, Ari
LUT University
LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Raportit ja selvitykset – Reports
School of Engineering Science
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© Daria Minashkina and Ari Happonen
© Daria Minashkina and Ari Happonen
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This project report is based on material gathered in late parts of 2018 in field study done into the context of Luumäki itsenäisyydentie. The purpose of this report is to show, that when Finnish sightseeing opportunities promotions are wanted to be enhanced and specially if these possibilities are wanted to be presented in a positive light, in the eyes of foreigners, even the most basic things has to be remembered to be considered.
For this particular report, two researchers reserved a full day for a field trip to given 7 different sight seeing locations, in Luumäki itsenäisyydentie context. The trip was planned to mimic a generic tourist route. The experience material was gathered as one might assume a person who really does not have too much advance information, about the options available for him/her, might have done in the similar situation.
For this particular report, two researchers reserved a full day for a field trip to given 7 different sight seeing locations, in Luumäki itsenäisyydentie context. The trip was planned to mimic a generic tourist route. The experience material was gathered as one might assume a person who really does not have too much advance information, about the options available for him/her, might have done in the similar situation.
Minashkina, D. and Happonen, A. 2019, Experience report: foreigner's point of view on the Luumäki Independence Road sightseeing locations, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Raportit ja selvitykset – Reports, Report number 92, ISBN: 978-952-335-388-6, ISSN: 2243-3384, pp. 1-43, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14318.23365