Pool stratification and mixing induced by steam injection through spargers: CFD modelling of the PPOOLEX and PANDA experiments
Gallego-Marcos, Ignacio; Kudinov, Pavel; Villanueva, Walter; Kapulla, Ralf; Paranjape, Sidharth; Paladino, Domenico; Laine, Jani; Puustinen, Markku; Räsänen, Antti; Pyy, Lauri; Kotro, Eetu (2019-03-29)
Post-print / Final draft
Gallego-Marcos, Ignacio
Kudinov, Pavel
Villanueva, Walter
Kapulla, Ralf
Paranjape, Sidharth
Paladino, Domenico
Laine, Jani
Puustinen, Markku
Räsänen, Antti
Pyy, Lauri
Kotro, Eetu
Nuclear Engineering and Design
School of Energy Systems
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Spargers are multi-hole injection pipes used in Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) and Generation III/III+ Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) to condense steam in large water pools. During the steam injection, high pool surface temperatures induced by thermal stratification can lead to higher containment pressures compared with completely mixed pool conditions, the former posing a threat for plant safety. The Effective Heat Source (EHS) and Effective Momentum Source (EMS) models were previously developed and validated for the modelling of a steam injection through blowdown pipes. The goal of this paper is to extend the EHS/EMS model capabilities towards steam injection through multi-hole spargers. The models are implemented in ANSYS Fluent 17.0 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code and calibrated against the spargers experiments performed in the PPOOLEX and PANDA facilities, analysed by the authors in Gallego-Marcos et al. (2018b). CFD modelling guidelines are established for the adequate simulation of the pool behaviour. A new correlation is proposed to model the turbulent production and dissipation caused by buoyancy. Sensitivity studies addressing the effect of different assumptions on the effective momentum magnitude, profile, angle and turbulence are presented. Calibration of the effective momentum showed an inverse proportionality to the sub-cooling. Differences between the effective momentum calibrated for PPOOLEX and PANDA are discussed. Analysis of the calculated flow above the cold stratified layer showed that the erosion of the layer is induced by the action of turbulence rather than mean shear flow.
Gallego-Marcos, I., Kudinov, P., Villanueva, W., Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S., Paladino, D., Laine, J., Puustinen, M., Räsänen, A., Pyy, L., Kotro, E. (2019). Pool stratification and mixing induced by steam injection through spargers: CFD modelling of the PPOOLEX and PANDA experiments. Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 347. pp. 67-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2019.03.011
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