Mitigation of inverter-induced noncirculating bearing currents by introducing grounded electrodes into stator slot openings
Vostrov, Konstantin; Pyrhönen, Juha; Lindh, Pia; Niemelä, Markku; Ahola, Jero (2020-12-23)
Post-print / Final draft
Vostrov, Konstantin
Pyrhönen, Juha
Lindh, Pia
Niemelä, Markku
Ahola, Jero
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
School of Energy Systems
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Modern converter-supplied AC motors are exposed to bearing currents. Despite extensive research and development, the industry still does not have a final solution with acceptable cost and high efficiency. This paper focuses on capacitive bearing currents. After a brief explanation of the phenomenon, an unconventional approach for effective mitigation of the capacitive bearing currents is proposed. The approach suggests using grounded electrodes in the slot openings to reduce the stator-winding-to-rotor-core capacitance and thereby the bearing currents. Different electrode diameters are considered and evaluated by a FEM analysis. The results are verified by laboratory tests. The bearing voltage ratios of the original and modified induction motor are compared.
K. Vostrov, J. Pyrhonen, P. Lindh, M. Niemela and J. Ahola, "Mitigation of inverter-induced noncirculating bearing currents by introducing grounded electrodes into stator slot openings," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3045695.
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