Dynamical simulation of ORC using Apros
Primakov, Nikolai (2021)
Primakov, Nikolai
School of Energy Systems, Energiatekniikka
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Nowadays many countries are trying to use more renewable sources of energy instead of fossil fuels. That is why new technologies should be developed and improved to fully take advantages of using renewable sources of energy. The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is a perfect match for these operations. It can be used for the recovery of low-grade energy.
This thesis presents basic information about ORC systems. The characteristics of working fluid MDM are presented. The main target of this work is to perform the generic dynamic modelling of the ORC system using Apros. The dynamical model was built using the parameters of the existing micro-ORC system in Lappeenranta – Lahti University of Technology LUT. Possibilities of Apros and modelling methods are described and discussed. Modelling results of each system component are presented. Finally, the results of the generic model performance are presented.
This thesis presents basic information about ORC systems. The characteristics of working fluid MDM are presented. The main target of this work is to perform the generic dynamic modelling of the ORC system using Apros. The dynamical model was built using the parameters of the existing micro-ORC system in Lappeenranta – Lahti University of Technology LUT. Possibilities of Apros and modelling methods are described and discussed. Modelling results of each system component are presented. Finally, the results of the generic model performance are presented.