Big Data knowledge management and dynamic capabilities : a multiple case study in the mobile gaming industry
Fürst, Katharina (2021)
Pro gradu -tutkielma
Fürst, Katharina
School of Business and Management, Kauppatieteet
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This thesis examines the knowledge management flow derived from big data and its connection to dynamic capability creating. There exists a persistent lack in understanding the big data knowledge process implementation in companies and the exchange of information between top management and employees during this development, especially in industries facing high market dynamism. This work’s research goal is to provide deeper insights into the role of big data analytics in managing fundamental knowledge processes and creating the dynamic capabilities needed to ensure long term success. Specifically, it examines the phenomenon from the mobile gaming sector perspective. The study employs a qualitative multiple case study approach and collects data via semi-structured research interviews from seven case companies worldwide with the support of eight interviewees. This research project's findings provide an original theoretical model depicting a cycle reflective of a mobile gaming studio's streamlined knowledge management processes and dynamic capability built up. Connections between the knowledge phases and distinctive dynamic capabilities are drawn. Those links are matched with each stage’s core elements. This study confirms data-driven culture within a company, as well as data literacy among individuals as critical drivers for a functioning knowledge cycle. Bias elimination and strong leadership which is supporting data-based decisions are crucial in building dynamic capabilities.