Safety and economy of floating power plants
Dziadevich, Dmitrii (2021)
Dziadevich, Dmitrii
School of Energy Systems, Energiatekniikka
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In this dissertation Russian floating power plant “Akademik Lomonosov” will be observed and its safety parameters will be assessed as well as its economic feasibility. The information on the plant design and concept will be gathered and analyzed to obtain the perspective of the facility. Also, two Russian SMRs will be observed – KLT-40S and RITM-200, which are typically designed for floating power plants and icebreakers. For each reactor, safety-oriented values will be calculated regarding next parameters: 1) thermal hydraulics – temperatures, heat fluxes and natural circulation rates, 2) reactor physics characteristics – burnup and neutron economy index. Economic feasibility will be evaluated for floating power plant by use of simplified calculations of payback time and levelized cost of electricity, which can show the viability of the project. All economic parameters will be compared to the Finnish electricity prices as well as to the Russian stationary nuclear power plant tariffs.