Coaching as a role of managers : factors determining coaching leadership style
Semenova, Sofia (2021)
Pro gradu -tutkielma
Semenova, Sofia
School of Business and Management, Kauppatieteet
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In this Master’s Thesis, the issue of the coaching leadership style development of managers is addressed. It was found in the beginning of this paper that managers should find a balance between performance seeking and building relationships with colleagues. This is the reason why it is valuable for managers to develop own leadership style which can be coaching one as well, because scientifically it is proven that coaching leadership style (CLS) facilitates the process of communication.
Therefore, this Thesis is narrowed to the investigation of factors that lead to coaching leadership style formation as well as effects that coaching education can bring to managers in the process of coaching leadership style development.
In the literature review, the scientific papers were considered on the topics of coaching in general, coaching leadership style, the factors that can lead to CLS, related concepts and terms, and the issue of age for which coaching education is best to get and use.
Then, the empirical part was described and discussed. The single case study method with semi-structured interviews were used for this research. The 13 interviews were passed with young professionals in the field of business and management who are the alumni of “Go for Coaching” program implemented in the Coaching Center of Graduate School of Management at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
It was found that there are several internal and external factors that lead to the coaching leadership style formation of managers, in particular, young professionals. Then, the effects of coaching training were found and discussed. As a result, managerial implications and theoretical contribution of the work are given for further development of coaching education.
Therefore, this Thesis is narrowed to the investigation of factors that lead to coaching leadership style formation as well as effects that coaching education can bring to managers in the process of coaching leadership style development.
In the literature review, the scientific papers were considered on the topics of coaching in general, coaching leadership style, the factors that can lead to CLS, related concepts and terms, and the issue of age for which coaching education is best to get and use.
Then, the empirical part was described and discussed. The single case study method with semi-structured interviews were used for this research. The 13 interviews were passed with young professionals in the field of business and management who are the alumni of “Go for Coaching” program implemented in the Coaching Center of Graduate School of Management at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
It was found that there are several internal and external factors that lead to the coaching leadership style formation of managers, in particular, young professionals. Then, the effects of coaching training were found and discussed. As a result, managerial implications and theoretical contribution of the work are given for further development of coaching education.
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