Investigation of mechanical processing options for end of life driving assistant systems in order to yield the valuable material components
Gyürék, Barbara Réka (2021)
Gyürék, Barbara Réka
School of Energy Systems, Konetekniikka
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This research addresses three such systems: (1) adaptive cruise control, (2) electronic control module, and (3) parking sensor. The analyzes assess the main components of each system and their mass balances. The material components of the segments are examined by using microscopic equipment. If valuable, economically recoverable materials are found during the material composition, it is worthwhile to examine the systems for recycling further.
Plastic, steel and non-ferrous metals can be found in sizeable blocks and thick layers in electronic components. Minor elements like precious metals and rare earths can be found in thin layers, foils and coatings. The critical elements are usually alloy constituents or scattered in the raw material. Due to the above-described structure, plastics, steel and non-ferrous metals can be mostly recovered by physical separation after comminution. Precious metals and critical elements can be mainly liberated and separated by chemical and/or biological processes.
For additional studies, material size reduction plays a vital role in the adequate detection of samples. As a result of the material composition test, it is possible to select a suitable comminution device, such as a hammer crusher, jaw crusher, impact crusher, Etc. The comminution process is in most cases followed by screening. Depending on the screening result, secondary comminution may be required if the material is not exposed correctly. Finally, it is necessary to separate the different material parts according to the preferred output by selecting a suitable separation device, such as an eddy current separator, an electrodynamic separator, Etc.
The main goal of the research to be carried out during the examination is whether it may be economically and environmentally worthwhile to process advanced driving assistant systems separately. These systems can come from manufacturing scrap or even damaged or end-of-life vehicles. In the latter case, it is worth removing separately from the wrecked cars. Depending on the results of the experiments, it is necessary to introduce the possibilities of dismantling the systems.
Plastic, steel and non-ferrous metals can be found in sizeable blocks and thick layers in electronic components. Minor elements like precious metals and rare earths can be found in thin layers, foils and coatings. The critical elements are usually alloy constituents or scattered in the raw material. Due to the above-described structure, plastics, steel and non-ferrous metals can be mostly recovered by physical separation after comminution. Precious metals and critical elements can be mainly liberated and separated by chemical and/or biological processes.
For additional studies, material size reduction plays a vital role in the adequate detection of samples. As a result of the material composition test, it is possible to select a suitable comminution device, such as a hammer crusher, jaw crusher, impact crusher, Etc. The comminution process is in most cases followed by screening. Depending on the screening result, secondary comminution may be required if the material is not exposed correctly. Finally, it is necessary to separate the different material parts according to the preferred output by selecting a suitable separation device, such as an eddy current separator, an electrodynamic separator, Etc.
The main goal of the research to be carried out during the examination is whether it may be economically and environmentally worthwhile to process advanced driving assistant systems separately. These systems can come from manufacturing scrap or even damaged or end-of-life vehicles. In the latter case, it is worth removing separately from the wrecked cars. Depending on the results of the experiments, it is necessary to introduce the possibilities of dismantling the systems.