Development of the Russian construction industry in the context of transition to a digital economy
Karapetian, Vachik (2021)
Karapetian, Vachik
School of Engineering Science, Tuotantotalous
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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the digitalization of the Russian construction industry. The thesis includes a review of the existing literature on digital innovations in the construction industry as well as a survey of representatives from Russian construction companies to identify existing problems and opportunities. Then, during the research, proposed to develop a new software for better construction management, including the participation of subcontractors. The proposed project is a digital platform through which all construction project team members and professionals can interact. The program allows to track the progress of work online, ask necessary questions and make adjustments. The study also provides calculations of the proposed program. Calculations are carried out both for the developer and for the customers who will purchase the software. Furthermore, a market research was conducted as a part of this study in order to identify what kinds of digital technologies are already in use and what are the major prospects and challenges for the future development of the industry. Finally, the study presents detailed discussion and conclusions of the obtained results.
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