Feasibility of virtual reality in the tourism industry of Nepal
Thapa, Santosh (2022)
Thapa, Santosh
School of Engineering Science, Tuotantotalous
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The thesis is an investigative study that aims at analyzing the feasibility of Virtual Reality technology in the tourism industry of Nepal. The study identifies the current interest and readiness for the adoption of VR by domestic tourists and their opinion toward VR tourism. It also examines the business activities of VR related businesses in Europe to evaluate the trend and the potential risks of similar businesses in Nepal.
The study is mainly based on the qualitative method and the survey strategy is used to collect the primary data. The research is moreover exploratory by nature. The first survey indicates the presence of a large number of potential internal tourists for VR tourism. While the second survey illustrates that VR related businesses in Europe are growing and well established.
The positive results obtained from the surveys conducted to understand the business landscape lead to feasibility testing. The feasibility analysis reflects a positive outcome that signifies the likelihood of merging VR technology in the tourism industry of Nepal as a business concept.
The study is mainly based on the qualitative method and the survey strategy is used to collect the primary data. The research is moreover exploratory by nature. The first survey indicates the presence of a large number of potential internal tourists for VR tourism. While the second survey illustrates that VR related businesses in Europe are growing and well established.
The positive results obtained from the surveys conducted to understand the business landscape lead to feasibility testing. The feasibility analysis reflects a positive outcome that signifies the likelihood of merging VR technology in the tourism industry of Nepal as a business concept.
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