Creating guidelines and best practices against phishing and ransomware attacks for healthcare personnel
Perova, Kseniia (2022)
Perova, Kseniia
School of Engineering Science, Tietotekniikka
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Amidst the digitalization of services across all sectors, it is essential to stay up to date with the protection mechanisms to be able to protect the systems and services against a multitude of cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks can have even more severer consequences in the domain of healthcare, as in the case of a cyber-attack on healthcare infrastructures and services, the impact is not limited to material aspects, but human lives are also endangered. Among the most prevalent cyber-attacks are phishing and ransomware attacks. During the thesis, existing mitigation approaches against these attacks were explored. The key contributions of this thesis include: (1) identification of existing mechanisms and guidelines against phishing and ransomware attacks from the existing literature by means of a systematic literature review, (2) lists of guidelines and recommendations to protect against phishing and ransomware attacks, and (3) extending the scope of SLR by proposing a methodology for conducting co-design workshop with industry representatives to capturing more state-of-the-art guidelines and best practices.