Design of small wind generators : guidelines for amateurs
Zadorozhniuk, Daniil (2022)
Zadorozhniuk, Daniil
School of Energy Systems, Sähkötekniikka
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Master`s thesis is directed on detailed investigation of possibilities to build a small wind generator for domestic power supply application. The work contains two parts. The first part is a theoretical review of valid studies, related to household wind generators with comments based on the experience of the author. The purpose of the first part is to introduce typical parts of domestic wind generators, their calculation methods and selection logic for different components. The first part is aimed to help beginners to comprehend which type of wind generator is better for certain conditions. The second part’s purpose is a development of laboratory model of portable wind generator with an axial flux electric generator and a vertically oriented rotor for long hiking trips. The second part is a practical investigation of theory, given in the first part. Detailed ways for parameters calculation, physics explanation and assembling processes with visual accompaniment are given.