Features of temperature dependences electrical resistance of Bi88.08Mn11.92 in magnetic fields
Terekhov, A. V.; Rogacki, K.; Yarovyi, V. M.; Kovalyuk, Z. D.; Lähderanta, E.; Khristenko, E. V.; Solovjov, A. L. (2024-07-01)
Post-print / Final draft
Terekhov, A. V.
Rogacki, K.
Yarovyi, V. M.
Kovalyuk, Z. D.
Lähderanta, E.
Khristenko, E. V.
Solovjov, A. L.
Low Temperature Physics
AIP Publishing
School of Engineering Science
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© 2024 Author(s). Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.
© 2024 Author(s). Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.
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The temperature dependences of the electrical resistance of the solid solution of Bi88.08Mn11.92 in the temperature range of 2-300 K and magnetic fields up to 90 kOe for both H I and H I are studied. It has been shown that in a magnetic field, the temperature dependences of the electrical resistance of Bi88.08Mn11.92 show maxima (insulator-metal transition) for both the H I and H I orientations. The temperatures of the maxima increase with increasing field. The appearance of a noticeable difference between the temperature dependences of the electrical resistances of Bi88.08Mn11.92 and the compound Bi95.69Mn3.69Fe0.62 with a lower manganese content and pure bismuth is discussed. It has been established that the magnetoresistance of Bi88.08Mn11.92 is positive over the entire temperature range studied and reaches a value of 3290% in a magnetic field of 90 kOe for H I, which is approximately 400% higher than in the Bi95.69Mn3.69Fe0.62 compound with lower Mn content. A suggestion has been made that the peculiarities temperature dependences behavior of the electrical resistance of Bi88.08Mn11.92 without a magnetic field and in the field, are largely due to the influence of internal magnetism of the BiMn phase and can be explained within the framework of the multiband theory.
Terekhov, A. V., Rogacki, K., Yarovyi, V. M., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Lähderanta, E., Khristenko, E. V., Solovjov, A. L. (2024). Features of temperature dependences electrical resistance of Bi88.08Mn11.92 in magnetic fields. Low Temperature Physics, vol. 50, pp. 543–548. DOI: 10.1063/10.0026270
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