Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in North-West Russia - Finnish Business Opportunities
Kokki, Sami; Friari, Päivi; Zarkzhevsky, Vladimir; Horttanainen, Mika; Linnanen, Lassi (2006)
Kokki, Sami
Friari, Päivi
Zarkzhevsky, Vladimir
Horttanainen, Mika
Linnanen, Lassi
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Tutkimus suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksista hiilidoksidipäästöjen vähentämisen parissa Luoteis-Venäjällä. The aim of this report is to investigate what the most rational means for Finnish business enterprises are in the near and farther future to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Russia, particularly in the regions of St Petersburg and Leningrad. In this work, both technical and economic data is gathered, on which basis it is possible to indicate the most potential emission reduction targets.
St Petersburg is Russia's energy engineering centre, where approximately 70% ofRussia's energy engineering-related markets are situated. In addition, the region's energy production is strongly weighted towards fossil fuels. The greatest potential for the minimization of green-house gas emissions is clearly found in measures connected with reducing the use of fossil fuels along the entire energy chain. In this report, the possibilities of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the perspectives of various energy production modes, the transfer of energy and the use of energy have been clarified. The potential of diminishing methane emissions at landfills has also been evaluated.
St Petersburg is Russia's energy engineering centre, where approximately 70% ofRussia's energy engineering-related markets are situated. In addition, the region's energy production is strongly weighted towards fossil fuels. The greatest potential for the minimization of green-house gas emissions is clearly found in measures connected with reducing the use of fossil fuels along the entire energy chain. In this report, the possibilities of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the perspectives of various energy production modes, the transfer of energy and the use of energy have been clarified. The potential of diminishing methane emissions at landfills has also been evaluated.