An experimental and theoretical study of multiphase flow in a circulating fluidized bed
Hyppänen, Timo (1989-08-11)
Hyppänen, Timo
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Tieteellisiä julkaisuja - Research Papers
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
A systematic averaging procedure has been derived in order to obtain an integral form of conservation equations for dispersed multiphase flow, especially applicable to fluidized beds. A similar averaging method is applied further to formulate macroscopic integral equations, which can be used in one-dimensional and macroscopic multi dimensional models. Circulating fluid bed hydrodynamics has been studied experimentally and both macroscopic and microscopic flow profiles have been measured in a cold model. As an application of the theory, the one dimensional model has been used to study mass and momentum conservation of gas and solid in a circulating fluid bed. Axial solid mixing has also been modelled by the one dimensional model and mixing parameters have been evaluated.
- Väitöskirjat [1099]