Building organizational creativity – a multitheory and multilevel approach for understanding and stimulating organizational creativity
Nisula, Anna-Maija (2013-12-19)
Nisula, Anna-Maija
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Organizational creativity is increasingly important for organizations aiming to survive and
thrive in complex and unexpectedly changing environments. It is precondition of innovation
and a driver of an organization’s performance success. Whereas innovation research
increasingly promotes high-involvement and participatory innovation, the models of
organizational creativity are still mainly based on an individual-creativity view. Likewise, the
definitions of organizational creativity and innovation are somewhat equal, and they are used
as interchangeable constructs, while on the other hand they are seen as different constructs.
Creativity is seen as generation of novel and useful ideas, whereas innovation is seen as the
implementation of these ideas. The research streams of innovation and organizational
creativity seem to be advancing somewhat separately, although together they could provide
many synergy advantages. Thereby, this study addresses three main research gaps. First, as
the knowledge and knowing is being increasingly expertized and distributed in organizations,
the conceptualization of organizational creativity needs to face that perspective, rather than
relying on the individual-creativity view. Thus, the conceptualization of organizational
creativity needs clarification, especially as an organizational-level phenomenon (i.e.,
creativity by an organization). Second, approaches to consciously build organizational
creativity to increase the capacity of an organization to demonstrate novelty in its
knowledgeable actions are rare. The current creativity techniques are mainly based on
individual-creativity views, and they mainly focus on the occasional problem-solving cases
among a limited number of individuals, whereas, the development of collective creativity and
creativity by the organization lacks approaches. Third, in terms of organizational creativity as
a collective phenomenon, the engagement, contributions, and participation of organizational
members into activities of common meaning creation are more important than the individualcreativity
skills. Therefore, the development approaches to foster creativity as social,
emerging, embodied, and collective creativity are needed to complement the current creativity
techniques. To address these gaps, the study takes a multiparadigm perspective to face the
following three objectives. The first objective of this study is to clarify and extend the
conceptualization of organizational creativity. The second is to study the development of organizational creativity. The third is to explore how an improvisational theater based
approach fosters organizational creativity.
The study consists of two parts comprising the introductory part (part I) and six publications
(part II). Each publication addresses the research questions of the thesis through detailed subquestions.
The study makes three main contributions to the research of organizational creativity. First, it
contributes toward the conceptualization of organizational creativity by extending the current
view of organizational creativity. This study views organizational creativity as a multilevel
construct constituting both of individual and collective (group and organizational) creativity.
In contrast to current views of organizational creativity, this study bases on organizational
(collective) knowledge that is based on and demonstrated through the knowledgeable actions
of an organization as a whole. The study defines organizational creativity as an overall ability
of an organization to demonstrate novelty in its knowledgeable actions (through what it does
and how it does what it does).Second, this study contributes toward the development of
organizational creativity as multi-level phenomena, introducing developmental approaches
that face two or more of these levels simultaneously. More specifically, the study presents the
cross-level approaches to building organizational creativity, by using an approach based in
improvisational theater and considering assessment of organizational renewal capability.
Third, the study contributes on development of organizational creativity using an
improvisational theater based approach as twofold meaning. First, it fosters individual and
collective creativity simultaneously and builds space for creativity to occur. Second, it models
collective and distributed creativity processes, thereby, contributing to the conceptualization
of organizational creativity.
thrive in complex and unexpectedly changing environments. It is precondition of innovation
and a driver of an organization’s performance success. Whereas innovation research
increasingly promotes high-involvement and participatory innovation, the models of
organizational creativity are still mainly based on an individual-creativity view. Likewise, the
definitions of organizational creativity and innovation are somewhat equal, and they are used
as interchangeable constructs, while on the other hand they are seen as different constructs.
Creativity is seen as generation of novel and useful ideas, whereas innovation is seen as the
implementation of these ideas. The research streams of innovation and organizational
creativity seem to be advancing somewhat separately, although together they could provide
many synergy advantages. Thereby, this study addresses three main research gaps. First, as
the knowledge and knowing is being increasingly expertized and distributed in organizations,
the conceptualization of organizational creativity needs to face that perspective, rather than
relying on the individual-creativity view. Thus, the conceptualization of organizational
creativity needs clarification, especially as an organizational-level phenomenon (i.e.,
creativity by an organization). Second, approaches to consciously build organizational
creativity to increase the capacity of an organization to demonstrate novelty in its
knowledgeable actions are rare. The current creativity techniques are mainly based on
individual-creativity views, and they mainly focus on the occasional problem-solving cases
among a limited number of individuals, whereas, the development of collective creativity and
creativity by the organization lacks approaches. Third, in terms of organizational creativity as
a collective phenomenon, the engagement, contributions, and participation of organizational
members into activities of common meaning creation are more important than the individualcreativity
skills. Therefore, the development approaches to foster creativity as social,
emerging, embodied, and collective creativity are needed to complement the current creativity
techniques. To address these gaps, the study takes a multiparadigm perspective to face the
following three objectives. The first objective of this study is to clarify and extend the
conceptualization of organizational creativity. The second is to study the development of organizational creativity. The third is to explore how an improvisational theater based
approach fosters organizational creativity.
The study consists of two parts comprising the introductory part (part I) and six publications
(part II). Each publication addresses the research questions of the thesis through detailed subquestions.
The study makes three main contributions to the research of organizational creativity. First, it
contributes toward the conceptualization of organizational creativity by extending the current
view of organizational creativity. This study views organizational creativity as a multilevel
construct constituting both of individual and collective (group and organizational) creativity.
In contrast to current views of organizational creativity, this study bases on organizational
(collective) knowledge that is based on and demonstrated through the knowledgeable actions
of an organization as a whole. The study defines organizational creativity as an overall ability
of an organization to demonstrate novelty in its knowledgeable actions (through what it does
and how it does what it does).Second, this study contributes toward the development of
organizational creativity as multi-level phenomena, introducing developmental approaches
that face two or more of these levels simultaneously. More specifically, the study presents the
cross-level approaches to building organizational creativity, by using an approach based in
improvisational theater and considering assessment of organizational renewal capability.
Third, the study contributes on development of organizational creativity using an
improvisational theater based approach as twofold meaning. First, it fosters individual and
collective creativity simultaneously and builds space for creativity to occur. Second, it models
collective and distributed creativity processes, thereby, contributing to the conceptualization
of organizational creativity.
- Väitöskirjat [1099]
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