Selaus tekijän mukaan kokoelmassa "Jäppinen, Janne"Tieteelliset julkaisut

    • A facility for mixed flowing gas testing of and experimentation with power electronic components and systems 

      Rautio, Juuso; Jäppinen, Janne; Kärkkäinen, Tommi; Niemelä, Markku; Silventoinen, Pertti; Kiviniemi, Mika; Leppänen, Joonas; Ingman, Jonny
      European Conference On Power Electronics And Applications (IEEE, 07.10.2020)
      Corrosion phenomena have been found to inflict new types of failures on power electronics. Currently, the precise corrosion mechanisms and effects causing problems are largely unknown. A facility dedicated for environmental ...
    • IoT Demonstration Platform for Education and Research 

      Nykyri, Mikko; Kuisma, Mikko; Kärkkäinen, Tommi J.; Hallikas, Jukka; Jäppinen, Janne; Korpinen, Katriina; Silventoinen, Pertti (IEEE, 30.01.2020)
      Internet of things (IoT) and digitalization of industries are changing the skills required from newly graduated engineers. To truly master these skills, they must be included in the curriculum, and a platform on which ...